Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hirtenbrief #48

Hirtenbrief #48
September 2013

Dearly Redeemed In Christ,

We should fear, love and trust in God above all things” (Luther’s explanation to the First Commandment, Luther’s Small Catechism).

Yes, I know it’s been awhile since you’ve read a Hirtenbrief (Pastoral Letter) from me. I have been distracted doing others “things.” But now we are free from them, which will now allow for more focused discussions on important matters; things eternal.

So often, in the Church, we become distract by many things…and I’m no different. Those distractions are actually designed with “I, me, and myself” in mind. Therefore, the evil one uses our own sinfulness to distract us and moves us to focus on the unimportant; those things that have no eternal bearing. And this is where the above explanation by Luther comes to bear in our lives.

Why so many problems in the church, at Zion, and in our lives. May I list a few:
  • Worrying about money, how much you have, where it’s coming from, etc. (that really belong to God, cf. Ps 24).
  • Mismanagement of money and other gifts (that really belong to God, cf. Ps 24).
  • Worrying over the decline of membership.
  • Church growth programs (which we’ll never do at Zion, but a problem in the Church).
  • Lay Leader programs (ditto above; also allows for false doctrine to slowly seep in).
  • Worry over the “stuff” instead of being in the Word of God.
  • Enmity!
  • Passive-aggressiveness!
  • Narcissism!
  • Lack of learning God’s Word (apathy or rejection; both!).
  • Refusal to attend Bible study/Sunday School.
I apologize, that’s more than a few; I just got carried away! Dear friends, let’s not fall into the trap which the above seeks to ensnare us. We have much to do, so do it in joy, with love of God and our fellow Christians (which is service and sacrifice).
I pray, (yes, I pray for each of you by name) that we remain focused on the eternal; do the work the Lord that He has given us to do, which includes caring for all (people and property); and never stop proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation!!!
Next month: Musings about stewardship, The Reformation and Zion’s upcoming Anniversary (100th year of the laying of our cornerstone).
Standing firm on the Solid Rock,

Pastor Patterson