Monday, December 3, 2012

Dearly Redeemed In Christ,

And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger” (Luke 2:12).

In all the activities and events of this Christmas season, God’s Word above givens us a sense of the first Christmas and what Christmas is truly about. Christmas is a time of excitement, no doubt, but it’s also a time of serenity, anticipation and the realization of the most Blessed Gift given to mankind…Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

You know that we are now living in a day and age when “Christmas” is constantly under attack! Christians are placed into positions that make them look foolish for saying, “Blessed Christmas” or are made to feel guilty for voicing the truth that “Jesus is the reason for Christmas!” Let me say, with a very loud voice, and I pray you will join me…I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL…and…CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT JESUS!

I want to encourage each of you, sincerely, to keep Jesus foremost in all that you do, especially during the Christmas season! It is important to remember that God will provide wonderful opportunities for you to speak the truth about Christmas to family and friends. May the Holy Spirit speak through you, in love, and may your confession be bold. During this season, many people need to hear the Gospel of Jesus as they struggle with thoughts of long ago and the joys they once had. You can be the voice who points them to the unending joy of God’s Kingdom and the mercy of God in sending His Son for the redemption of the whole world.

This is also a time to remember all that God has and continues to do for you. He certainly has brought peace to you and goodwill. I pray that you will re-dedicate yourself to loving God will all your heart, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself. Especially as you remember the immense love God has shown you in sending Jesus for the forgiveness of all your sin.

So, rejoice! I say again, rejoice! Our Lord and Savior was born so that He could die–for you! Rejoice in the unending chorus of, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased” (Luke 2:14).

A Blessed Christmas to you,

Pastor Patterson

Soli Deo Gloria

Sunday, July 22, 2012

April Reflection

Dearly Redeemed In Christ,

Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and our Lord + Jesus Christ. Amen. 

As you read this letter, we are preparing to celebrate the various and sometimes difficult, but awe-inspiring, liturgies of Holy Week and the Resurrection of our Lord. This service includes the entrance of our victorious King into Jerusalem, as He processes to Golgotha; Maundy Thursdaywhere we will celebrate the Lord giving us a new commandment and His testament in His blood;Tenebrae, on Good Friday, as we, in repentance remember the agony and bitter sufferings of our Savior, and the most fabulous liturgy of all--The Resurrection of our Lord! So you may ask - why is all this important?

Well, in sermons and classes, we reflect on all that Jesus has done for us. The worship service during Holy Week, the worship of our risen Savior on the Day of His Resurrection, and the Sundays of Easter are all designed for one, and only one purpose, only-His love.

So here's my challenge to you! The challenge of the days and weeks and months following our celebration of this Resurrection is to experience and bear witness to continuing resurrection in our own lives, in the life of the church, and in the world, which we are a dynamic and influential part.
The Sundays after Easter are often experienced as low Sundays, a reference to the sense of "let-down" after the "build-up" of Lenten expectations, which culminates in our celebration of Jesus' resurrection. But we must strive to continue with the same fervor and excitement over the celebration of Christ's resurrection. We continue to sing the joy-filled hymns and read the post-resurrection pericopes and pray the thanksgiving prayers of Easter. "Christ is risen!" we exclaim and others respond with a joyous. "He is risen indeed!"
He really is risen and He lives! Because of His love, we, too, will rise and live, with Him, for eternity. Therefore, we continue to proclaim the Good News, with everyone! What a marvelous opportunity to experience and express continuing resurrection in ourselves and in the world, to the glory of God!   

Your Servant In Christ,
Pastor Patterson
Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone the Glory!)